Saturday, September 1, 2007

Why Children Must Move

From Ilchi Lee’s book Power Brain Kids

The body is essentially the brain’s connection to the outside world. A person’s brain can have little effect on the surrounding environment if the rest of the body lacks strength and stamina. And, the condition of the body drastically affects the functioning of the brain. A sluggish, tired body usually equates with a sluggish, tired brain. A strong, vibrant body generally houses a strong, vibrant brain.

For that reason, the goal of strengthening the body should go hand in hand with the goal to strengthen the brain. Sitting behind a desk studying a book is a great way to gather piles of facts and figures, but it will do little to create new and stronger connections in the brain. Rather, this happens through overcoming physical challenges and developing new skills.

Make physical exercise a normal and natural part of your child’s daily routine. Children who spend the day watching TV or sitting in front of a computer monitor are being deprived of the chance to develop brain connections that will be much harder to develop later in life. Also, the sense of confidence and accomplishment that comes with physical strengthening will be invaluable to them in many areas of life.

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