Saturday, September 1, 2007

Kids Need Body Awareness

From Ilchi Lee’s book Power Brain Kids

While it is true that the brain is “in charge” of the human body, it can also be said that the brain is useless without the body. Our brain gives the orders, but it is the body that puts these orders into action. Sometimes, we are not in conscious control of these actions--as in the beating of the heart or breathing while we sleep-- but for the most part we have conscious control over our body’s movement. We can control our bodies because we can control our brain.

It is important, therefore, that children have a good basic understanding of the body and its functions. It is helpful to speak of the various organs of the body as “little brains,” organs that are in charge of specialized functions within the body. Through familiarity with various organs and their connection to the brain, children gain the ability to take charge of the body and its overall state of health.

1 comment:

miramio said...

you helped me a lot.thank you so much