Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Brain Contains the Answers

The Brain Contains the Answers

From Ilchi Lee’s book BEST 5 Handbook

All of the answers to life’s challenges reside in the brain. If we can release that potential, I believe that humanity can solve many of the world’s difficult challenges. This is also true for you on a personal level. Do you have too much stress in your life? Relaxing your brain waves can have a profound effect on the stress reaction in your body. Do you have relationship problems? Examining the addictive emotional patterns established in your brain will help you begin to change them, which will in turn change your interactions with others. Every human problem is created in the brain, and so is every solution. Through better understanding and care of our brain, we gain greater confidence and capacity for mastering all our life skills.

1 comment:

miramio said...

I'll as to my brain.
My brain know everything.
thank you so much!!!